Holy Spirit Preparatory School
Ms. Stedman

Summer Study Packet

1st Quarter Assignments   2nd Quarter Assignments    3rd Quarter Assignments     4th Quarter Assignments

Instructions for Chapter Study Guides   Quizlet Chapter Reviews      Essay Writing Help Guide

Thematic Presidential Flashcards     Exam Review  Weekly AP Review Quiz

Course Overview

This course is designed to provide a college-level experience and preparation for the Advanced Placement (AP) Examination in May 2018.  An emphasis is placed on interpreting documents, mastering a significant body of factual information, and writing critical essays. The nation’s history is broken into nine periods: 1491-1607 (Spanish colonization), 1607-1754 (English colonization), 1754-1800 (revolution and the new republic), 1800-1848 (the market revolution and reform), 1844-1877 (Manifest Destiny and Civil War), 1865-1898 (the development of industrial America and imperialism), 1898-1945 (the first half of the 20th Century), 1945-1980 (the Cold War era), and 1980 to the present.  This course fulfills the United States history graduation requirement.


In addition to the topics listed above, the course will emphasize a series of key themes throughout the year. These themes have been determined by the College Board as essential to a comprehensive study of United States history. The themes will include discussions of diversity and the development of a unique American identity and culture, demographic changes over the course of America’s history, economic trends and transformations in technology and the workplace, issues dealing with both the physical environment and human geography, the development of political institutions and the components of citizenship, social reform movements, the role of religion in the making of the United States and its impact in a multicultural society, the history of slavery and its legacies in this hemisphere, war and diplomacy, and finally, the place of the United States in an increasingly global arena. The course will trace these themes throughout the year, emphasizing the ways in which they are interconnected and examining the ways in which each helps to shape the changes over time that are so important to understanding United States history.


Throughout the course, students will work on nine specific historical skills as they study each unit. These skills will include an understanding of historical causation, the identification of patterns of continuity and change over time,  the ability to compare and contrast historical developments and personalities, the ability to place historical events and processes into logical contexts, the practice of constructing and analyzing historical arguments, the use of relevant historical evidence in making these evaluations, and the interpretation and synthesis of historical interpretations from different fields of inquiry or disciplines.

Course Textbooks:

Kennedy, D. M. & Bailey, T. A. (2002). The American Pageant: A History of the Republic. New York: Houghton Mifflin Company. (Required)

Kennedy, D. M. & Bailey, T. A. (2002). The American Spirit. (Vol. I: to 1877). Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin Company. (in class supplement)

Kennedy, D. M. & Bailey, T. A. (2002). The American Spirit. (Vol. II: Since 1865).  Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin Company. (in class supplement)


The course progression will follow this timeline:


Periods 1 & 2 : 1491-1754 (Colonial America)
~ 15 days

• Describe the Pre-Columbian Societies
• Compare Spanish, French and British settlement of the New World
• Compare the New England, Middle, and Southern Colonies
   o Analyze the government structures established in the colonies
   o Analyze the economic foundations of the colonies d
   o Analyze the impact of religion on the colonies
• Evaluate the impact of the colonists settlements on the native population
• Assess the population growth and change within the colonies and evaluate its impact on the colonies relationship with Great Britain

American Pageant Chapters:
Due Date
Online Quizzes
• 1:  New World Beginnings
Online Quizzes:  Are just that - a quiz. 
Online quizzes are to be completed independently; no notes, texts, or other materials may be used while taking the quiz.  This applies to ALL online quizzes we will take this year.  The school's honor code is enforced!

Chapter 1 Reading Quiz:  This quiz contains 15 questions and must be completed in 9 minutes. It is due on 8/23 at 8am.

A good video review of Chapter 1 from Biography of America: New World Encounters
• 2:  The Planting of English America
Article:  Jamestown at 400 - Due
Chapter 2 Reading  Quiz:  This quiz contains 15 questions and must be completed in 9 minutes. It is due on 8/28 at 8am.
• 4: American Life in the Seventeenth Century Pages: 68-79

Pages: 80-86
Chapter 4 Reading Quiz: The following quiz contains 10 questions and must be completed in 6 minutes.  It is due on 9/9 at 8am.
• 3:  Settling the Northern Colonies 9/11
Chapter 3 Reading Quiz:  The following quiz contains 20 questions and should be completed in 13 minutes. It is due on 9/13 @ 8am.
A good video review of Chapter 2 & 3 from Biography of America: English Settlement - New England and Virginia

DBQ Due: 9/13
• 5:  Colonial Society on the Eve of Revolution 9/16
French and Indian War Lesson: Please complete this lesson by Wednesday, 9/18. You will need to allot approximately 1.5 hours to complete it; alternately, it can be completed in 2-3 short sessions.

Chapter 5 Reading Quiz:  You will have 9 minutes to complete this 13 question online quiz. 
Biography: Ben Franklin
A good video extension of Chapters 4 & 5:  Biography of America: Growth and Empire
Unit 1 Test:
Periods 1 & 2 Vocabulary
Video reviews provided by the Bill of Rights Institute
5 minute video review of the Columbian Exchange
Excellent 5 minute video review of colonization
Mercantilism and the Colonial Economy

American Spirit Chapters and Sections:
• 2:  Precarious Beginnings in Virginia
• 5:  The Great Awakening

Period 3:  1754-1800 (Building a New Nation)
~ 13 days

• Explain the cause of the French and Indian War; identify and explain the short and long term consequences of the war
• Explain the impact of mercantilism on the Colonies
• Analyze the “Acts” that lead the Colonists to declare their independence
• Describe the strengths and weaknesses of both the Colonial and British armies
• Describe the Articles of Confederation; explain the rational of its construction; analyze the problems of the Articles of Confederation
• Explain the values of the federalists and the anti-federalists; synthesize the differences between the two groups.
• Analyze the process used to devise a new federal government; describe the government that was formed
• Analyze the domestic, economic and international challenges faced by Washington, Adams, Jefferson, and Madison

American Pageant Chapters:
Due Dates
Online Quizzes
• 6:  The Dual for North America 9/20
Chapter 6 Reading Quiz:  You will have 10 minutes to complete this 15 question online quiz. 

Extended Learning of Chapter 6:  PBS The War that Made America Part 1
• 7: The Road to Revolution 9/25
Ch 7 Reading Quiz:   The following quiz contains 20 questions and must be completed in 13 minutes. 
Video Review:  Biography of America - The Coming of Independence
• 8:  America Secedes from the Empire 9/30
Required viewingThe Revolutionary War (an animated map) - 19 minutes due on 9/30
Ch 8 Reading Quiz: You will have 9 minutes to complete this 14 question quiz. It is due on Oct. 2nd at 8am.

Smithsonian Learning Lab: Republican Motherhood
• 9:  The Confederation and the Constitution
Chapter 9 Reading Quiz: This quiz has 21 questions and must be completed in 14 minutes. It is due on Oct. 7 at 8am.
Video Review:  Biography of America - A New System of Government

• 10:  Launching a New Ship of State 10/11
Chapter 10 Reading Quiz:   This quiz has 17 questions and must be completed within 10 minutes. It is due on Oct. 15th at 8am.
Unit 2 Test
Period 3 Vocabulary
Period 3 Review Video - from Gilder-Lehrman Institute for American History
The American Revolution - from the James Madison Foundation
The Articles of Confederation - from the Bill of Rights Foundation
The Constitutional Convention - from the James Madison Foundation
A New System of Government - Biography of America (Annenberg)
The Constitution / Federalists Debates - from the Bill of Rights Foundation

American Spirit Chapters:
• 7:  The Burden of Mercantilism
• 9:  The Shock of Shays Rebellion
• 9:  State Debts and the National Bank
• 9:  Alien Sedition Hysteria

A Documentary History of the United States:
•  “Common Sense”, Thomas Paine
• Federalist Number 10, James Madison
• Washington's Farewell Address

Period 4:  1800-1848 (Market Economy & a New Democracy)
~ 12 days

• Identify and describe the evolution of political parties
• Explain the ways in which President Jackson promoted the interests of the common man
• Explain the ways in which President Jackson both increased and decreased the power of the federal government
• Analyze the impact of the industrial and transportation revolution of the late 1700 and early 1800s
• Identify and explain the reform movements of the early to mid 1800s

American Pageant Chapters:
Due Date Online Quizzes
• 11:  The Triumphs and Travails of the Jeffersonian Republic
Article:  Revolution of 1800
Chapter 11 Reading Quiz:   You will have 8 minutes to complete this 14 question online quiz.  It is due on Oct. 25th at 8am.
• 12:  The Second War for Independence and the Upsurge of Nationalism 10/30
Chapter 12 Reading Quiz:  This quiz contains 22 questions and must be completed within 17 minutes. It is due on Nov. 1 at 8am.
• 14:  Forging the National Economy
Ch. 14 Quiz:  This quiz contains 21 questions and must be completed within 14 minutes. It is due on Nov. 1 at 8am.
Required viewing: Mill Times (32 minutes) and answer the video questions. This is due on 10/30.
• 13:  The Rise of a Mass Democracy
Ch 13 Reading Quiz: This quiz contains 16 questions and must be completed in 10 minutes. It is due on 11/11 at 8am.

Jackson DBQ due 11/14

• 15:  The Ferment of Reform and Culture
Ch. 15 Reading Quiz:  The following quiz has 18 questions. You will have 11 minutes to complete the quiz. It is due at 8am on 11/15.

Unit 3 Test
BRI Review of U.S. Foreign Policy 1791-1815
BRI Review of National Identity in the Early 1800s
Abolitionists / Reform Movements Review
Period 4 Vocabulary

American Spirit Chapters:
• The Monroe Doctrine
• 13:  The Nullification Crisis
• 13:  The War on the Bank
• 14:  The Spread of the Factory
• 14:  The Flocking of Immigrants

A Documentary History of the United States:
• First Issue of the Liberator, William Lloyd Garrison
• Seneca Falls Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions

Period 5: 1844-1877 (The Antebellum South, Sectionalism, Civil War & Reconstruction )
~ 14 days

• Evaluate the impact of slavery on the physical growth of the nation as well as on the growing political division of the nation
• Analyze the ways and means through which territory was added to the United States
• Analyze the short and long term causes of the Civil War
   o Explain the economic interdependence  of the North and the South; evaluate the South's economic status compared to that of the North
   o Evaluate the role of states rights v. national government
   o Evaluate the impact of the election of Lincoln
   o Analyze the impact of the ‘peculiar institution’ as a cause of the war
• Evaluate the North and South's strengths and weaknesses during the war
• Analyze the Reconstruction plans of Lincoln, Johnson and the U.S. Congress
• Evaluate the results of Reconstruction on the South

American Pageant Chapters:
Due Dates
Online Quizzes
• 17:  Manifest Destiny and Its Legacy 11/21
Ch. 17 Reading Quiz:  The following quiz has 10 questions. You will have 6 minutes to complete the quiz.

Mexican-American War (short film): please watch and take notes on this film before coming to class on 11/21
• 16:  The South and the Slavery Controversy
Read and annotate the King Cotton article

Kansas-Nebraska Act reading and questions
• 18:  Renewing the Sectional Struggle 12/2
Ch. 16 / 18 Reading Quiz:  This quiz contains 26 questions. You have 17 minutes to complete the quiz. It is due on Dec. 4th at 8am.
• 19:  Drifting Towards Disunion 12/6
Ch. 19 Reading Quiz: This quiz has 15 questions. You 9 minutes to complete the quiz. It is due on Dec. 9th at 8am.

• 20: Girding for War: The North and The South
Ch. 20 & 21 Reading Quiz
• 21: The Furnace of Civil War

Period 5 Vocabulary

Review (Study Guide) Outlines:

Practice Midterm:   The midterm will contain 41 multiple choice questions to be completed in 41 minutes.  This practice midterm will generate a practice midterm - 40 questions to be completed in 27 minutes.  You may take this practice exam as many times as you wish; each time it will generate a new test with "new" questions.  Your best grade will count as a quiz grade. Due 12/6 & 12/13

Unit Review
The Economics of the North & South Before the Civil War - video brought to you by the Bill of Rights Institute

• 22: The Ordeal of Reconstruction
Ch. 22 Reading Quiz: This quiz contains 17 questions and must be completed in 10 minutes. It is due Jan. 13th at 8am. 

American Spirit Chapters:
• 18:  The Wilmot Proviso Issue
• 18:  The Compromise Debates of 1850
• 18:  Reactions to the Fugitive Slave Law • 22:  The Debate on Reconstruction Policy
• 22:  “Black Reconstruction”

A Documentary History of the United States:
• Dred Scott v. Sanford, Chief Justice Roger B. Taney for the Supreme Court
• The Emancipation Proclamation, Abraham Lincoln
• Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address


Period 6:  1865 -1898 (Building an Industrial Society, the Development of the West, & Imperialism)
~ 14 days

• Analyze the development and changes that occurred in industry with particular focus on railroads, steel, and oil
   o Evaluate the impact of these developments on labor; analyze the rise of trade unions
• Evaluate the problems of political and business corruption
• Analyze the concerns of the Populists; evaluate their success in achieving political change
• Analyze the debate over the coinage of silver
• Describe the changing patterns of immigration
   o Explain the rise of nativism and analyze its impact on U.S. policies
• Explain the rise of cities
• Explain the U.S. policy towards Native Americans and evaluate its impact on Native American society

American Pageant Chapters:

American Pageant Chapters:
Due Date

Online Quizzes

• 23:  Political Paralysis in the Gilded Age 1/16
Ch. 23 Reading Quiz:  This quiz contains 18 questions and must be completed in 10  minutes. It is due on Jan. 21 at 8am.
• 24:  Industry Comes of Age 1/22
Ch. 24 Reading Quiz:  This quiz contains 22 multiple choice questions and must be completed in 14 minutes.  it is due on 1/24 by 8:00am.
• 25:  America Moves to the City 1/27
Ch. 25 Reading Quiz:  This quiz contains 24 multiple choice questions and must be completed in 15 minutes.  It is due on 1/29 by 8:00am
Watch A Trip Through the Tenement Museum in New York City - 33 mins
• 26:  The Great West and the Agricultural Revolution

In-class DBQ on Monday 2/3
Ch. 26 Reading Quiz:   This quiz contains 22 multiple choice questions and must be completed in 13 minutes.
History Lab Assignment:
Plight of the Native Americans 1851-1890
• 27:  Empire & Expansion 2/5
Ch. 27 Reading Quiz:   This quiz contains 25 questions and must be completed in 15 minutes.  It is due on 2/11 at 8am
Extra: Watch The American Experience's The Panama Canal
(Note: due to Kairos, I'm moving this test to the 13th, rather than having it the 10th. We will begin the next unit prior to the test. Look ahead for homework dates.)
Period 6 Vocabulary
The Gilded Age, Robber Barons, and The Rise of Big Business - video from the Bill of Rights Institute
Progressivism and the New Deal - video from the Bill of Rights Institute
Review Video - brought to you by Gilder-Lehrman

American Spirit Chapters:
• 23:  Race Divides the South
• 24:  The Trust and Monopoly
• 24:  The New Philosophy of Materialism
• 24:  Labor in Industrial America
• 25:  The Changing Role of Women
• 26:  The Plight of the Indian
• 26:  The Farmers Protest Movement
• 26:  The Free-Silver Mirage
• 27:  The Siren Song of Imperialism

Documentary History of the United States:
• “The Significance of the Frontier in American History,” Frederick Jackson Turner
• Letter on Labor in Industrial Society, Samuel Gompers
• Populist Party Platform
• “Cross of Gold” Speech, William Jennings Bryan
• Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine, Theodore Roosevelt

Period 7: 1890-1945 (The first half of the 20th Century)
~ 17 days

• Analyze the U.S. motives for imperialism
   o Describe the Spanish American War
   o Evaluate the U.S. policies toward the various lands acquired through this war
• Describe the demographics of the Progressives; analyze the reforms they advocated
• Analyze the change in U.S. policies towards industry
• Evaluate the reforms created to help labor and immigrants
• Assess the work of African American and women leaders in bringing civil rights reform to their constituents
• Explain the U.S. isolationism
• Analyze the motives for the U.S. involvement in WWI
• Explain the social and cultural revolution of the 1920s
• Explain the cause of the boom the U.S. economy of the 1920s
• Analyze the problems faced by farmers in the 1920s
• Analyze the cause of the Great Depression and Hoover’s policy response to the Depression
• Explain the New Deal and evaluate its success
• Explain FDR’s early foreign policy and analyze the change from a policy of isolationism to involvement in WWII
• Analyze the U.S. involvement in WWII
• Analyze the impact of the U.S. involvement in WWII on the home front

American Pageant Chapters:
Due Date Online Quizzes
• 28:  Progressivism and the Republican Roosevelt 2/12
Ch. 28 Reading Quiz:  The following quiz contains 19 questions and should be completed in 12 minutes. It is due on February 14th at 8am.
Extra: Watch The American Experience's The Triangle Shirtwaist Fire
• 29: Wilsonian Progressivism at Home and Abroad 2/19
Ch. 29 Reading Quiz:  This quiz contains 15 questions and must be completed in 9 minutes.  It is due on 2/21 at 8am.
• 30:  The War to End War 2/24
Ch. 30 Reading Quiz:  The following quiz contains 17 questions and must be completed in 10 minutes.  It is due on 2/26 at 8am.
• 31:  American Life in the Roaring Twenties 2/28
Ch. 31 Reading Quiz: This quiz contains 11 questions and must be completed in 7 minutes.  It will be open for review but will not be recorded for a grade.
• 32:  The Politics of Boom and Bust 3/11
Ch. 32 Reading Quiz:   This quiz contains 20 questions and must be completed in 12 minutes. This quiz is due on 3/16 at 8am.
Learning Lab: The Effects of Innovation during the 1920s due on Friday, 3/13
• 33:  The Great Depression and the New Deal 3/16
Ch 33. Reading Quiz:  This quiz contains 27 questions and must be completed in 18 minutes. 

Extra: Watch The American Experience's: Surviving the Dust Bowl
• 34:  Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Shadow of War 3/23
Ch. 34 Reading Quiz:  The following quiz contains 20 questions and must be completed in 12 minutes.  It is on 3/25 at 6pm.

Complete the WWII: The European Theatre map activity by  take notes as you go!

• 35:  America in World War II
Ch. 35 Reading Quiz: The following quiz contains 16 multiple choice questions and 1 short answer question; it must be completed in 20 minutes.  It is due on 4/1 at 6pm.

Don't forget to take your Weekly Review Quiz by 6pm on Friday!!

Unit Test

Period 7 Vocabulary
The 20s - video from Biography of America
The Great Depression: Economic Causes and Repercussions - video from the Bill of Rights Institute
FDR & the Depression - video from Biography of America
Progressivism and the New Deal - video from the Bill of Rights Institute
World War II - video from Biography of America
Period 7 Review Video - brought to you by Gilder Lehrman

American Spirit Chapters:
• 29:  The Plight of Labor
• 29:  The Crusade for Women's Suffrage
• 31:  War with Germany
• 31:  The Propaganda Front
• 33:  Depression Descends
• 33:  Herbert Hoover Clashes with Franklin  Roosevelt
• 34:  The Face of the Great Depression
• 34:  Voices of Protest
• 34:  Conservation in the New Deal
• 36:  War in the American Society
• 36:  The Second Front Controversy
• 36:  Dropping the Atomic Bomb

Documentary History of the United States:
• War Message to Congress, Woodrow Wilson
• F.D.R.’s  First Inaugural Address


Period 7:  1945-1980 (The Cold War & Civil Rights Era)
~ 16 days

• Explain the post-war boom of the 1950s
• Analyze the U.S. strategy towards the containment of Communism
   o Describe the U.S. strategy towards the rebuilding of Europe
   o Explain the U.S. competition with the USSR
   o Analyze the U.S. involvement in the Korean and Vietnam Wars
• Explain the Red Scare
• Analyze the Civil Rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s
• Explain the evolving economic roles of men and women
• Analyze the success of the Great Society

American Pageant Chapters:
Due Date Online Quizzes
• 36:  The Cold War Begins
Ch. 36 Reading Quiz: The following quiz contains 22 questions and must be competed in 13 minutes.  It is due on 4/8 at 6pm.

Don't forget to take your Weekly Review Quiz by 6pm on Friday!!
• 37:  The Eisenhower Era
Chapter 37 Quiz: The following quiz contains 20 questions and must be completed in 12 minutes. It is due on April, 17 at 6pm.

Exam Review Documents:
Don't forget to take your Weekly Review Quiz by 6pm on Friday!!
• 38:  The Stormy Sixties 4/21
Chapter 38 Quiz: The following quiz contains 28 questions and must be completed in 18 minutes.  Due date: 

Extra: Watch The American Experience's The Freedom Riders
• 39:  The Stalemated Seventies
Ch. 39 Reading Quiz:   The following quiz contains 24 questions and must be competed in 20 minutes. 
Watergate Edpuzzle due on

American Spirit Chapters:

• 37:  The Truman Doctrine
• 37:  The Marshall Plan
• 38:  The McCarthy Hysteria
• 38:  The Supreme Court and the Black Revolution
• 39:  President Johnson's Great Society
• 39:  The Black Revolution Erupts
• 39:  Vietnam Troubles

Documentary History of the United States:
• The Marshall Plan, George C. Marshall
• Brown v. Board, Chief Justice Earl Warren for the Supreme Court
• Civil Rights Speech, JFK
• Birmingham City Jail “Unwise and Untimely” Letter, Martin Luther King, Jr.

Period 8: 1980-Present (Modern America )
~ 5 days

• Analyze the evolution in U.S. relations with Communist nations
• Analyze evolution of U.S. economic policy after the Great Society
• Evaluate the foreign policies of Nixon, Carter, Reagan, Bush, and Clinton

American Pageant Chapters:

American Pageant Chapters:
Due Date Online Quizzes
• 40: The Resurgence of Conservativism

• 41: America Confronts the Post-Cold War Era

  Ch. 40 & 41 Reading Quiz:  The following quiz contains 30 questions and must be competed in 18 minutes.
Mock Exam

• 42:  The American People Face a New Century

Short Exam Review Videos
brought to you by the Bill of Rights Institute
Short Exam Review Videos
brought to you by the Gilder-Lehrman Institute for American History

American Spirit Chapters:
• 40:  The Revitalization of the Feminist Movement
• 41:  The Reagan “Revolution” in Economic Policy
• 41:  Reagan’s Foreign Policies

Weekly AP Review Quiz:  This quiz is due each Friday at 6pm.  The quiz contains 40 randomly selected questions on all of the units we have covered thus far and must be completed in 27 minutes.  The quiz may be taken as many times as the student wishes; the best score achieved each week will count as a quiz grade.


Term Review:
Colonial Era
Revolution & Early National Era
Antebellum Era through the Civil War
Reconstruction through the Gilded Age & Imperialism
Progressives through the New Deal