News Journal
Objective: Students will
create a collection of newspaper articles that demonstrate present day
examples of the concepts described in each chapter of the textbook.
1. Identify three major concepts / vocabulary
associated with each chapter in the textbook.
2. Locate a newspaper or news magazine article that
provides an example of each concept as it relates to modern government
and U.S. policy
a. Even if an
article addresses more than one major concept, you must have three
articles per chapter
3. Formatting:
a. Include a
copy of the article
i. Articles may be no older than January 2010
ii. Articles must be from a major national newspaper
or news magazines – good sources:
1. Washington
Post, New York Times, Christian Science Monitor, Wall Street Journal,
BBC, Financial
Times, the Economist, Time
magazine, Seattle
Times, Los
Angles Times, Chicago
If you have questions regarding the suitability
of a news source, please see me prior to using it.
iii. No blogs, editorials, opinion pieces, or letters
may be used; articles must be actual news articles
b. Write a
paragraph that:
1. identifies and defines
the concept(s) / vocabulary
addressed by the article (if the article contains multiple concepts or
include all of them in your
journal entry)
2. paraphrases the major points
of the
3. explains how the article
demonstrates the concept(s) /
explains the vocabulary term(s)
c. Include an
APA citation of the article – if you do not know how to create APA
citations, go to
d. Paragraphs
should be typed, spell checked and edited
4. Presentation: each student will give a
5-minute oral presentation on one article of the student’s choice each
The presentation must include:
• 3 min –
information on the news event
• 2 min –
tie into government unit being studied at the time of the presentation
and provide the impact / implications of the news event
(ie – why does
this matter)
Project point value: 10 points
per article; each oral presentation is worth 25 points
Project due date: Article
summaries are due on the test day for each unit; presentation dates TBD
Example Article Summary
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